A stillbirth is one of life’s most distressing experiences for parents. The loss of hopes, dreams and a future with their child leave many parents feeling confused, isolated and heartbroken.

Family members, friends, or colleagues may find it challenging to know how to best support someone through this tragedy.

It’s normal to feel unsure about what you should do or say.

In the beginning, simply acknowledging the gravity of this significant loss is a good place to start. Make contact and offer simple and sincere thoughts that recognise the baby’s life and their place in the family.

Practical support – doing groceries, walking the dog, or dropping off meals – can also be a huge help when parents have little energy left to keep up with everyday tasks.

As time goes on, bereaved parents will especially appreciate you remembering significant days or special milestones with a phone call or card. By acknowledging their baby, you are showing the parents that their baby lives on in the hearts of others.

Sands, one of the Still Six Lives partner organisations, has designed a fact sheet to help guide your conversations with loved ones whose baby has died, which includes stillbirth.

The fact sheet helps explain what bereaved parents may be going through and what supports they may need, now and into the future.