Make The Stillbirth Promise
Stillbirth can happen to anyone, with over 2,000 Australian families each year touched by it. Sadly not all stillbirths are preventable but many are, and with your help and support we can reduce the risk.
The Stillbirth Promise is a way for people to support safer pregnancy, break down the stigma surrounding stillbirth, and help reduce the rate of six babies stillborn in Australia each day. By making The Stillbirth Promise you are highlighting to expecting families three proven behaviours that have been shown to help reduce the risk of stillbirth.
We encourage you to make your own Stillbirth Promise and to help us spread this important message. You can do this by:
- Filming a selfie-style video pledging your support of The Stillbirth Promise (I am making The Stillbirth Promise because / for / in honour of…’) and speaking to the three proven ways to help reduce the risk of stillbirth. These are:

Sleep on your side
after 28 weeks.

Monitor your baby’s movements.

Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.
- Posting your video to your social media channels. We encourage you to tag six people to continue spreading the word.
- Tagging our campaign page @preventstillbirthaustralia (on Instagram) or @PreventStillbirthAustralia (on Facebook) and using the hashtags #stillbirthpromise #sleeponside #movementsmatter #quitforbaby
You can also make The Stillbirth Promise by downloading our social media assets here and sharing on your pages. Don’t forget to tag us @preventstillbirthaustralia or @PreventStillbirthAustralia.
Holly & Josh’s story
Stillbirth is something that most Australians think could never happen to them. That was certainly the case for Holly and Josh. But the sad truth is that it happens to far too many Australian families and our rate of stillbirth is too high compared to other similar countries.
Holly and Josh experienced the heartache of stillbirth when they lost Bluey. They and their families share their stories in Bluey’s memory and make The Stillbirth Promise to support others and to help reduce the rate.